Boots & Buddies

And not to forget, the entries on your dating portal have been lousy to horrible again. But what are good boots? Handcrafted? Yes! Genuine leather? Yes! Company of the boots must have a decent history? For sure! Price? Not over 400 Euros/$ (We are no Hedges from Wallstreet.) You can't write about good boots, without writing about Redwing. This old cool company, based in the southeast Minnesota, named after the city Redwing, which in turn is named after a tribal chief of a Dakota tribe of Sioux.
It was and always will be a good choice, if you go for Redwing shoes, especially from the heritage series. With them you could follow every destination, every wife until the end of the world. Always assuming you want that... Perhaps walking with your buddy in the forest, or being kidnapped by a new hottie for a hot ride, could be adventurous too. In any case , here are the models, you can climb anything with: Redwing Iron Ranger, Style No: 8111, 8113, 8115, Redwing Engineer Style No: 2990, 2991 or Pecos Style 8187. Right now the Pecos in suede ( Style No. 8188) are not produced anymore. So it's up to you to convince Redwing, to put them on the list again.
Then there is the Wolverine Company, founded over 180 years ago in the USA, with perfect handcrafted boots as well. Besides boots for tough working men, they also offer the " 1000 miles boots" and the " Gentleman Collection" for those of you, who do not have to climb so much anymore, because you already made it to the top. But even up there, good buddies are needed, most likely more than anywhere else. When expensive divorces, envious colleagues, demanding kids, tricky bankers & lawyers nearly pull the rug from under your feet, true buddies and boots will prevent you at least from falling too deep. And believe me, Wolverine boots will keep that promise.
On the other side of the Atlantic, where honest buddies and boots are needed equally as well, we can find them in a small french factory, not far away from the famous Carmarque. La Botte gardiane, how they call the hand-sewn, vegetable tanned, ultra cool rider boots. Don't worry, you don't need a horse to feel comfortable with these boots. Cause LBG offers super smooth cushioned leather soles for the inside, so you can walk even to Paris with them, not realizing that you have traveled over 600 miles. These boots do not have laces, but easy entry always will be guaranteed, so one of the owner, Antoine Agulhon. And sometimes, even with good buddies around you, it does make sense to have a chance to run away quickly!