Matera, UNESCO World Heritage

Verfasst von: Dott. Francesco Pace
Panorama Matera (Bild: Francesco Pace)
The UNESCO commission has verified that Matera meets the following criteria: «Criterion III: The Sassi and the park of the cave churches of Matera constitute an exceptional testimony of a vanished civilization. The first inhabitants of the region lived in underground dwellings and celebrated the cult in cave churches, which were conceived as an example for future generations for the way to use the qualities of the natural environment for the use of the resources of the sun, of rock and water.

Criterion IV: The Sassi and the park of the cave churches of Matera are a relevant example of an architectural and landscape ensemble that witnesses significant moments in the history of humanity. These take place from the primitive underground dwellings carved into the stone facades of the ravines to sophisticated urban structures built with excavation materials, and from well-preserved natural landscapes with important biological and geological features to urban landscapes with complex structures. Criterion V: The Sassi and the park of the cave churches of Matera are a relevant example of traditional human settlement and use of the territory representative of a culture that has, from its origins, maintained a...

Criterion V: The Sassi and the park of the cave churches of Matera are a relevant example of traditional human settlement and use of the territory representative of a culture that has, from its origins, maintained a harmonious relationship with its natural environment, and is now subject to potential risks. The balance between human intervention and the ecosystem shows a continuity for over nine millennia, during which parts of the settlement cut into the rock were gradually adapted in relation to the increasing needs of the inhabitants. »

Authenticity The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera have a high degree of authenticity. The rock settlement shows evidence of continuous occupation from prehistoric times up to the middle of the 20th century. There was some interruption when the entire population of the Sassi was transferred in the 50s. The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera have a high degree of authenticity. Integrity The property of the World Heritage includes the Sassi of Matera and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches, which together enclose the cultural characteristics, the sites and the monuments that are at the base of the Exceptional Universal Value.

The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches property is bound by the national regulation for the protection and conservation of the cultural heritage (D.lgs 42/2004, code of the cultural heritage and the landscape). This national regulation requires the prior approval of the relevant Soprintendenze of the local Offices of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, for any intervention or activity impacting the property. The property has further regional protection through Law 11/1990 of the Region Basilicata. The law created the Institution of the Archaeological Historic Natural Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera.

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